Todd Awbrey

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Top 5 Games of E3 For 2014

With E3 behind us, I wanted to look back on what was shown and come up with my top 10 most anticipated games. So many great games were announced and shown at E3 making it difficult to choose just ten. I’ve split my top 10 list between games that are coming out in 2014 and ones that are coming out in 2015 and beyond.

So without further ado, here are the games I’m most looking forward to in 2014:

5) Destiny – Going into E3, Destiny was on my radar but I wasn’t too excited about it. After seeing how ambitious the creators at Bungie were with the world building and the scope, it is now a must buy for me. I had the chance to play the Alpha demo this weekend and I loved how it felt like a living world that you can explore. Destiny isn’t a typical first-person shooter. It is trying to be something so much more and graphically looks incredible.

4) Assassin’s Creed: Unity – Every time I think I’m burnt out and done with this franchise, they pull me back in. Now the game is set in Paris during the French Revolution. Ubisoft does an impeccable job of creating engaging historical contexts that keep my attention and make for fun exploration of cities. The increase in graphical fidelity is clear with the jump to the next-gen consoles. The inclusion of 4 layer co-op could make for some very fun encounters.

3) The Witness – The Witness, created by Jonathan Blow, has slid under most people’s radar. Blow also created of one of my favorite games, Braid, so I was excited for a preview of his latest work. It looks like a next-gen version of Myst. Exploring the world and solving the mind-bending puzzles while telling a great story makes this the kind of game I love.

2) Dragon Age: Inquisition - Bioware makes games with great narratives and with their newest title, the third in the Dragon Age franchise, they look to have created a truly epic experience. With hours of gameplay, fighting dragons, making tough decisions, and tactical combat, I’m sold. Just look at the gameplay footage below and you will be as well.

1) Little Big Planet 3 – As a total surprise announcement, LBP 3 has leaped to my most anticipated game. I loved the previous two games as well as the PS Vita version. This series is full of whimsy and the new characters; Toggle, Oddsock, and Swoop are as cute as they come. Each of them has a different characteristic that work together to complete each level. I dare you to watch the game footage without a smile on your face. With all the previous levels being playable in LBP 3, there will be endless fun playing this game.

 So there you have it, my 5 most anticipated games of 2014. What are yours? Did I miss one you are looking forward to? Let me know in the comments. After looking like a slow year, 2014 is now shaping up to be a pretty good year in gaming. Stay tuned for my list of games coming in 2015 and beyond.